Blog 9

  •  As a distance learner this year, I 've had both a positive and negative experience from it. I liked that I could wake up later for my 8:00 am classes and still be on time as well as the fact that I could go to class from any location; I didn't necessarily have to be in Tallahassee. But, there are much more negatives to outweigh the positives in my opinion. It doesn't feel like I'm truly learning anything, college has just felt like a checklist of to-do items every week. I'm essentially teaching myself this semester and not doing too good of a job at it. It is hard to stay motivated when I'm in my dorm most of the time working on assignments and not being able to connect with group partners in person. As a teacher, I think I would try to eliminate breakout rooms in my classes as they aren't very beneficial. I would try to connect with my students another way and if I have a smaller class, provide assignments that are more than just a checklist item. In all honestly, the only class I've felt that I have learned something is in this class, EME2040. 

  • Open educational resources are any type of media, digital or otherwise, that is under public domain and open to use of the public. Khan Academy is a great example of one. This site is free to use and provides hundreds of practice tests, learning actives and more for exam prep. It is a great site for students to use for SAT practice or simple specialized subject practice for class.

  • I've learned a lot more skills on PowerPoint through working on the two assignments. I learned how to link text or shapes so that when you click on them, they take you to another slide. I designed my first jeopardy board this way and now have the knowledge how to make one. I didn't like my speaking voice on the first assignment but there's not much I can change for that but I did like learning how to create a slide show as if I was really teaching a class. To improve for next time, I'd like to make more creative functions in the slides. 


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