Blog Post 2

  •  My experience with MS Word has been quite prominent and I've used it since I was in 4th grade. I started by just creating posters and flyers as activities in elementary school, to writing essays in later years. I am quite comfortable with Word and prefer it to any other word processing software. I have had brief experience with Google Docs but it's not my go to when writing an assignment. 

  • The ISTE standard that I believe is the most important to me is the leader standard. The leader standard is where educators work towards bettering student success and improving education. I feel that as an educator, your students' success is your biggest priority. Whether it be advocating for equal resources for all students or creating oportunities for students, being an educator and leader is essential. Students should look up to their teachers and see a leader who takes action. 

  • I partially agree with the term "Digital Natives". While people born within this generation are more inclined to be better at using technology, that doesn't necessarily guarantee it. A digital native is a young person who was born in a generation where technology use was common and widespread. These people are typically "native speakers" of the internet and other technology. I have seen a difference between how my teacher and myself have used technology but, as I stated earlier, that's not always the case. Some of my older teachers had a harder time switching over to an online oriented teaching system from their chalkboards and paper copies but others it came naturally to. In my opinion it depends on the person and their attitude to learning new things and openness to change. They one's who could teach easily with technology were always easy to reach after school and were more readily able to help me out with assignments. This benefited my educational experience. The others, who barely used technology or were not able to get used to it, spent up a good chunk of the class time trying to figure out a software or program when they were required to use it. I anticipate not much of a gap in technological knowledge between my students and I because I am technologically inclined and open to change. As well as quick to learn new things. If it benefits my students then I would be more than ready to use a certain application or program. 


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