Blog 8

  •  During the web design assignment a learned a whole new set of skills on how to create well structured website with proper contrast and repetition. I liked that fact that I was able to customize the website however I liked as well as the fact that I now acquired the new skill of creating a website. I honestly did not run into any factors that made me dislike this assignment. I will definitely be creating a website for my future class as a teacher so this assignment was beneficial towards that. This is the link to my website:

  • Diigo has been somewhat of a beneficial resource to learn how to use. I learned how to file any articles I find in one location with annotations and comments. I believe this would be helpful in a classroom is I wanted all my student's articles for a project in one organized location. That way I could access them easily and they wouldn't have to waste paper printing anything out. 

  • I believe that it is crucial to have proper teacher development with technology. With resources like online conferences and links to sites about this topic I believe that there are plenty of opportunities for teachers to take advantage of. Technology has become a big aspect of education within this decade and it should be the responsibility of teachers to learn and keep up with it. There are also plenty of ways teachers can stay connected with each other to improve technology skills and learn new information.


  1. Your website looks great according to the four guidelines! The contrast of the white background and grey and blue text along with the colors of the images look great. I also enjoyed the format of the website overall. It looks professional and well put together.

  2. Hi Jen! I loved looking through your website. It was setup great, and easy to follow. The design of it was as well professional and fit the grade level your teaching. You followed the alignment and proximity principals perfectly. The colors used and contrast fit in nicely as well.

  3. Jen, I really loved your website! The design was really beautiful and easy to follow, and you provided a lot of relevant information for the students. The contrast between white space and content, along with the proximity of your media to the text made it easy to read and comprehend. Your images worked great with your subject matter, and the alignment of the site looked clean and professional.


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