Blog 7

  •  The teacher website I chose to analyze is my AP Bio teacher's page from senior year. The first thing I noticed is that he has a very simplistic design for his page. He has his contact information on his home page along with an overview of when he is available outside of class. On the side bar he has included a tab for the two classes he teachers. Within each tab is a description of the class and a surplus of resources provided for the class such as PowerPoints, YouTube videos, and even tips for note taking. link to teacher site

  • I will definitely use technology to aid me in teaching. Tools such as powerpoint and OneNote will help me organize my lectures/lessons into a visually pleasing format for the students to follow. I will also most likely use lesson planing tools to help me keep organized as well. For example, Planboard is a great tool for lesson planning through the use of technology. 

  • Some things I liked about PB Works was how easy it was to connect other wikis together and link resources onto a page. It's a great way of inputting a bunch of information into one platform. I didn't like the look and design of the wiki though. It looked a bit outdated and was a little confusing to navigate at first. To be able to figure out how to use it efficiently it takes a bit of playing around with the site and time. With my future students I might use this platform in a similar way as we did in this class. I could assign groups to a specific topic related to the class and ask them to research it and create a wiki on what they have found and learned. 


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