Blog 6

  •  My initial experiences with Diigo were okay in my opinion. The layout of the website seemed a bit confusing to me and I can not navigate it well yet. With tutorials I was able to figure out how to do somethings like bookmark but it took me a little bit to get it down. I did like the variety of functions available on the website. It's definitely a good resource for those who know their way around it.

  • I have very much liked blogging so far. It was pretty easy to figure out all the functions on Blogger and I was able to customize my site to my liking. Everything here seems clear cut and how to use which I enjoy. I don't have any complaints on Blogger and blogging as a whole. I think that using a blog as part of the assignments in this class has been beneficial. It gives a perfect place for writing responses and is accessible to all other classmates for reference. 

  • A Web 2.0 tool I would use when teaching would most likely be Prezi. This is a presentation software website which allows you to make a free account and create interactive power points. They have a wide variety of designs and tools to create a slide show that will interest students more than Microsoft PowerPoint. I have personally used this in school and loved creating my projects on it. I've had good experiences every time I used it.
