Blog 4

  •  The grade level I chose for the ELA standards is 9-10 because this is where I am most hoping to teach at. The standard I chose is being able to convert numerical data and information that is found in a literary form into a visual form. Such as a data table or chart. I feel that I am not 100% ready yet as I have not had very much experience in this skill. But I am sure that with a bit of practice I should be able to be proficient in it. 

  • The toolkit I chose was for secondary education ELA and it explores the different verb tenses and how to efficiently use them. The tool is an interactive video that can keep students engaged in what they are learning. It breaks each topic on the lesson into sections and provides an organizational method to learning. I would implement this tool in my classroom because it allows students to work at their own pace to learn something new or it can just simply be review after a lesson was taught. It isn't just watching videos which is why I'm supportive of it. This tool has the students practice the skills taught and doesn't let them skip past anything. 

  • It's extremely important to be a proficient internet searcher as a teacher because, as an educator in a technological age, it is their responsibility to be able to use these resources to the students advantage. Whether it be for finding helpful resources or helping themselves become more knowledgable on their subject of teaching. We use internet searching almost everyday and it is a crucial part of life and learning. The skill that I will probably use the most is the automatic "And" in my searches. I usually just type out sentences when I internet search and it ends up taking a bit of time to find my result and ends up being too many words. With the exclusion of "and" I think that it'll make things much easier when internet searching. Unfortunately I do not have any tips or skills of my own that weren't discussed in the course material.


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