Blog 3

  •  Copyright and Fair Use allows for individuals to use content that may belong to other companies or groups. Fair Use is where you can use a piece of copyrighted material for "transformative" purposes. This can be for content such as commentary on parts of a movie. You do not need permission from the owner to do so. A Copyright gives legal ownership of something to an individual and gives the right to copy. Only the owner can copy and use the content unless they give permission for someone else to do so. As a teacher, I would carefully tread along these issues as to not violate copyright. I use make sure everything I show my students is either fair use or not copyrighted. A great place to use videos such as that is YouTube. YouTube holds many informative videos where you don't have to worry about violating any terms. 

  • There are many solutions to the technology issue of a lack of funding. There are many programs out there for students that are free to use and require no funding from the schools. For example, a good studying tool that I'd have my students use is Quizlet. Creating an account is free and it is a great resource for studying, creating flashcards (which also benefits students who don't have the financial means to buy school supplies), and review. Another free online resource is Khan Academy, used for studying for SAT, and subject related exams. In the case of student privacy, if the school has students create several online account with a student email, I'd propose the school to implement a VPN. This will encrypt student info and passwords that are affiliated with school and help keep privacy. Another way to keep privacy is not requiring students to use their real name in accounts. By keeping things anonymous, it protects their privacy. 

  • I learned many new skills when working on the Newsletter. One of which was how to manipulate a word document to make the layout look the way I want. I wasn't used to not working with a template so creating a newsletter from scratch helped me. I also had never used the hyperlink ability and had taught myself how to do that as well. To improve it in the future I would definitely practice creating a more aesthetically pleasing format and design. My skills are still weak in that area and by creating more words documents I believe I would get better at it. 


  1. You featured some excellent free resources for teachers to use in the classroom. Students of all ages (even graduate students!) love Quizlet :)


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